Wish List
- Bottle Water
- Paper towels
- Fidget Toys
- Garbage bags
- Forever stamps
- Monetary donations
- Snacks (Goldfish, animal crackers, granola bars, crackers and cheese, string cheese
- Gift cards for needed supplies for the families (McDonalds, Hungry Hobo, Subway, Hy-Vee, Wal-Mart, Shell, Amoco, Menards, Lowes
How you can help
The Rock Island County Children’s Advocacy Center is a Not-for-Profit 501c3.
Services to our victims and their families is provided at no cost to them. We are able to provide these services in part due to the generous support of donations from members of the community. If you would like to support our mission of providing services to victims of physical and sexual abuse, you can donate by using the Donate button on this page or mail a check to RICCAC at 734 20th St., Rock Island, IL 61201.

A $200 donation sponsors one forensic interview
A $120 donation provides with one therapy session.
A $50 donation provides one hour of family advocacy.
Every gift is tax-deductible, and we appreciate donations of any amount.
Wish List
Donations of items on our wish list are appreciated. If you have any questions about the items on the list, please contact our Center at 309-794-6451.
Memorial Program
A donation for a memorial gift in "honor of" offers a thoughtful way to celebrate a special person or occasion while contributing to our mission to reduce trauma to children who are victims of sexual or physical abuse.
When you make a gift to the Rock Island County Children’s Advocacy Center your loved one will receive a notification to let them know about the gift. Click here for a Memorial form.